Understanding the Impact of Co-Signing for a Bail Bond on Your Credit Score

Bail bonds are a critical component of the criminal justice system, providing a way for individuals to secure their freedom while awaiting trial. Co-signing for a bail bond is an act of trust and support that can have repercussions beyond the immediate legal matter. In the realm of finances, co-signing is no trivial commitment, and it begs the question for many potential co-signers: Will this affect my credit score?

Call 317-876-9600 When You Need a 24 HR Bail Bondsman Near Indianapolis
Call 317-876-9600 When You Need a 24 HR Bail Bondsman Near Indianapolis

How Co-Signing for a Bail Bond Works

Co-signing for a bail bond means you are legally liable for the full bail amount if the individual you are vouching for fails to appear in court as agreed. This is typically done with a bail bondsman, who requires payment of a non-refundable fee – usually 10% to 15% of the bond amount – before they post the bond. Because of the substantial risk involved, the co-signer’s financial health and trustworthiness are thoroughly vetted.

The Co-Signer’s Role and Responsibilities

When you co-sign for a bail bond, you are essentially agreeing to take on the financial responsibility should the defendant not meet their obligations. This includes ensuring the defendant attends all court dates as required. Co-signing is a show of financial faith in the defendant’s ability to handle their legal obligations, with you as a safety net.

Evaluating the Risks

Risks come in the form of full financial liability, potential for bail forfeiture, loss of fronted collateral, and the personal impact of the defendant’s actions on your credit score. Being informed of all potential outcomes is crucial before making the decision to co-sign for a bail bond.

Impact on Credit Score

Co-signing for any financial agreement can impact your credit score, and a bail bond is no exception. If the defendant misses a court date and their bond is forfeited, you as the co-signer can be held financially responsible for the full bail amount. This nonpayment can lead to collection actions, which in turn can be reported to credit bureaus and negatively affect your credit score.

Potential Credit Score Scenarios

In a perfect case where all obligations are met, your credit score would remain unaffected. However, if things don’t go as planned, and missed payments or forfeiture occur, it could result in a significant decline in your creditworthiness. Such implications can affect your financial decisions for years to come.

Mitigating Impact and Preparing for the Worst

Understanding your role as a co-signer and the potential impact on your credit score is the first step. Mitigating this risk involves monitoring the bond situation closely and ensuring the defendant adheres to all court requirements. Should issues arise, having a financial plan in place to pay the bond amount and protect your credit score is essential.

Protecting Your Credit Score

Assuming the role of a co-signer can come with trepidation and risk, but this doesn’t mean you have no control over the situation. By being diligent and informed, you can protect your credit score, even in the face of a bail bond agreement.

Responsible Co-Signing Best Practices

A strategic approach involves not only understanding your financial obligations but also establishing communication with the defendant and having a bail bondsman who keeps you in the loop. This proactive stance can help you keep an eye on your credit and act swiftly if necessary.

Taking Action to Address Credit Score Implications

If a situation arises where actions must be taken to protect your credit, the course of action can be challenging but manageable. Address any missed payments or issues head-on, be in contact with the bail bondsman, and consider legal representation to aid in the process.

In Conclusion

The role of a co-signer for a bail bond is laden with financial implications, including potential impacts on your credit score. By taking a measured and informed approach, understanding your responsibilities, and preparing for all possible outcomes, you can ensure that your decision is as educated as it is compassionate. Co-signing for a bail bond is a significant act of faith. Just make sure it’s also an educated one.

Facing the decision to co-sign a bail bond is a significant responsibility. Should you or a loved one find yourselves in this situation, remember, Woods Bail Bonds is here to support you through every step of the process. Contact our main Indianapolis office at 317-876-9600 for 24-hour bail bond services across Northern, Southern, and Central Indiana. We’re committed to providing you with the information and assistance you need. Don’t navigate this complex situation alone.

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What You Need to Know about Bail Bond Agreements

Decoding Bail Bonds: What to Know Before You Sign

Understanding the bail bond process can be the difference between regaining freedom or prolonging time spent behind bars. For individuals unexpectedly thrust into the criminal justice system, navigating the complexities of bail bonds is a daunting task. If freedom is desired, comprehending how this legal avenue works is not just important – it’s imperative. This in-depth exploration of the bail bond landscape will arm you with the information you need before taking that life-altering step of signing the contract.

Call 317-876-9600 for Fast Bail Bonds in Indianapolis
Call 317-876-9600 for Fast Bail Bonds in Indianapolis

A Bail Bond: Breaking Down the Basics

A bail bond is a legal document that assures the court an arrested individual will appear at their scheduled court dates when required. It is a financial guarantee, typically provided by a bail bond agent, known as a surety, to the court on behalf of the arrestee. This agreement can be forged directly with the court or through a third-party bail bond service. It enables those who can’t afford to pay the entire bail amount set by the judge to secure their release from custody.

Why Understanding the Process Matters

The process of obtaining a bail bond is multifaceted. It involves legal intricacies, financial commitments, and an understanding of one’s rights and responsibilities. Ignorance concerning any part of this process can lead to unanticipated financial burdens or legal issues. For someone unfamiliar with the law, quick decisions made during a stressful time can compound already difficult circumstances. This is why a thorough understanding of bail bonds is crucial for making informed choices that align with your best interests.

The Inner Workings of Bail Bonds

The Purpose of a Bail Bond

The primary function of a bail bond is to assure the court that the arrested individual will fulfill their legal obligations without the necessity of remaining in jail until their trial. It provides release from custody with the understanding that violation of the bond’s terms can lead to the revocation of the bond and re-arrest.

How Bail Bonds Operate

When bail is set by a judge, defendants have the option to secure their release through the payment of the full bail amount or by engaging a bail bond agent to post a bond. For the latter, a non-refundable premium (usually 10% to 15% of the bail amount) is paid to the bail bond agent who then posts the bond to the court.

Different Types of Bail Bonds

There are several types of bail bonds, including surety bonds, property bonds, citation releases, and recognizance, or “personal recognizance” bonds. Each type has its nuances and requirements, so it’s essential to consider which is most applicable to your case.

Key Considerations Before Committing to a Bail Bond Agreement

An informed approach to bail bonds involves thoughtful consideration of several crucial factors. Here are the most important to keep in mind when deciding to sign a bail bond contract for another person, or for yourself in the event that you are surrendering to an arrest warrant:

Financial Obligations: Understanding the Costs

The cost of a bail bond is typically set as a fee based on the bail amount, often around 10%. This fee is non-refundable, regardless of the trial’s outcome. Failure to appear in court can result in the full bail amount being due, which can be financially catastrophic. It’s vital to assess both the immediate and long-term financial implications before committing to a bail bond.

Legal Responsibilities: Knowing the Conditions

Bail bonds are not without strings attached. Conditions such as travel restrictions, maintaining employment, and adhering to court-set curfews may be imposed. Any breach of these conditions can lead to legal repercussions and the potential forfeiture of the bond.

Risks and Consequences: The Ramifications of Skipping Bail

The decision to skip bail is never one to be taken lightly. Doing so will result in the bail bond company employing bounty hunters to track down and return the defendant to the jurisdiction, while also exposing the individual to additional criminal charges.

Guiding Principles for an Informed Bail Decision

When considering signing for a bail bond, always:

▷ Seek legal counsel if possible
▷ Understand the obligations, risks, and potential costs thoroughly
▷ Acknowledge the bond conditions and how they may affect your everyday life and future
▷ Make sure your tax and employment documentation are in order
▷ Notify friends and family of your release immediately to ensure a network of support

Final Thoughts

An informed decision regarding a bail bond can set the tone for the entire legal process. Whether you are the arrestee, a friend, a partner, or a parent, the implications of a bail bond are weighty. Engaging with the law and bond process with a sense of preparedness empowers individuals to make decisions that serve their best interests in the short and long term.

Remember that the support structures around you, from legal counsel to family, can provide invaluable assistance in navigating this complex process. Making the right choices now can lead to a smoother path through the criminal justice system and mitigate unnecessary hardships. Your freedom is too important to risk on a leap of faith – understanding bail bonds ensures that you take control of the process with clarity and confidence.

Are you looking for help with an arrest warrant? Contact Woods Bail Bonds at 317-876-9600 to learn what you need to know about the Indianapolis bail bond process. We serve over 30 counties within Northern, Central, and Southern Indiana, so do not hesitate to call.

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Legal Guidance: What to Do when a Loved One is Arrested
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What You Need to Know about Bail Bond Agreements

No one likes to be in a situation where they or someone close to them needs to be bailed out of jail. But if you find yourself in such a position, it is important that you understand the process and what is involved with bail bond agreements. Bail bonds are an agreement between the court, the person being held in custody (the defendant), and a third party known as a bail bondsman. The purpose of these agreements is to ensure that the accused will appear at all future hearings related to their case.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about bail bond agreements so that if you ever find yourself needing one, you can make an informed decision on how best to proceed.

Call 317-876-9600 When You Need Bail Bond Assistance in Indianapolis, Indiana!
Call 317-876-9600 When You Need Bail Bond Assistance in Indianapolis, Indiana!

The 101 on Bail Bond Agreements

When a defendant is arrested and the court sets bail, they can choose to post their bail to be released from jail. If they cannot afford to pay the full amount of bail, then they may opt for a bail bond agreement instead. In this case, the accused (or someone on their behalf) will enter into an agreement with a bondsman who will provide them with the funds necessary to cover the cost of their release in exchange for a fee, known as a “premium“.

Terms and Conditions for Bail Bond Contracts

The terms and conditions of each bail bond agreement vary depending on the state and local regulations in which it was signed. Generally speaking, however, these agreements require that the defendant appear at all scheduled hearings related to their case or risk forfeiture of the premium paid and/or the full amount of bail. Furthermore, the bondsman may also require a co-signer who is responsible for paying the bond if the defendant fails to appear in court.

Judicial System Guidelines and Restrictions

It’s important to remember that entering into a bail bond agreement does not mean that you are absolved of your charges or any legal responsibility related to them. The purpose of such an agreement is simply to secure release from jail while awaiting trial; it is not meant as a form of punishment or exoneration. For this reason, be sure to discuss all potential risks with your bail bondsman and carefully read through the details of any agreement before signing it.

Bail Bonds are a Great Option When You Need to Get Out of Jail

In conclusion, bail bond agreements are an important option for those seeking release from jail while they await trial. However, it is important to remember that these agreements come with certain obligations and risks that must be carefully considered before entering into them. Be sure to discuss the details of any agreement with your lawyer before signing and take extra care to ensure that you fully understand all terms and conditions associated with it. By understanding what goes into bail bond agreements, you can make an informed decision when faced with this situation. This knowledge could potentially save you time, money, and hassle in the long run.

How to Obtain a Bail Bond for Yourself or a Loved One

If you or a loved one has been arrested, obtaining a bail bond can be a crucial step in being released from jail before the trial. The first step in obtaining a bail bond is to locate a reputable bail bondsman near the jail where the defendant is being held. Usually, a bail bondsman will charge a percentage of the total bail amount as their fee for providing the bail bond.

Once you have found a reliable bail bondsman, you will need to provide them with some basic information about the defendant and the case. If everything checks out, the bail bondsman will post the bail bond on behalf of the defendant, allowing them to be released from jail.

It’s important to remember that the bail bond is a legal agreement and failure to comply with its terms can result in significant consequences. Overall, obtaining a bail bond can be a complex process, but with the help of a trusted bail bondsman, it can be much easier to navigate.

Are you ready to get a friend, co-worker, or loved one out of jail in Indy? Contact Woods Bail Bonds at 317-876-9600 for speedy and secure bail bond services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer prearranged bail bond service for arrest warrants and probation violations, too.

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Explaining the Process of Posting a Bond for Someone Else
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Bail Bond Cosigner Liability Information You Need to Know

A bail bond indemnitor, or cosigner, is a person with a serious legal responsibility. If your friend or loved one was just arrested, take the time to consider all the liabilities involved with being a cosigner before you sign the legally binding contract to bail them out of jail.  You can be held liable for hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars if they fail to abide by all court orders and bail conditions.

Continue reading to learn what these responsibilities entail, and who to call for trusted bail bond information in your county.

Bail Bonds Indianapolis Indiana 317-876-9600
Bail Bonds Indianapolis Indiana 317-876-9600

Obtaining a Bail Bond For Someone Else is Serious Business

Using a bail bond is the easiest and most affordable method for obtaining a release from jail. But when you are faced with the decision to bail a friend or loved one out of jail, it is a decision you should never take lightly. That is because the legal liability attached to the bail bond contract is a serious undertaking, and whether or not you face the ramifications for those liabilities is all dependent on the choices of the person you are bailing out of jail.

Bail Bond Costs

Although you are only paying a fraction of the total cost of your loved one’s bond premium, the bail bond agent is covering the rest of the amount. So, if your loved one’s bond amount was $10,000, and the bail agent charges a 10% fee, you will pay a non-refundable fee of $1000, while the bail bondsman pays the courts the remaining $9,000. So long as the defendant appears for all scheduled court hearings and follows all court orders, they bail bond agent gets their $9,000 back.

But if the defendant violates any conditions of the bail bond agreement or court orders, the bail bondsman does not receive the money back until they can get the defendant to appear on the judge’s bench. They only have a certain time period to do this, and usually, they are unsuccessful. If this happens, you are responsible to pay the bail bondsman the remaining $9,000 as the contract stipulates. If you used collateral to purchase the bail bond, such as your car, boat, house, or other asset, you will have to forfeit that collateral.

How to Protect Yourself as a Bail Bond Cosigner

To avoid any liability concerns, be sure you only cosign for people you know closely and who you can trust. Do not cosign for a bail bond if you have not known the person for longer than a year, if they are unemployed, if they have a history of evading the law, if they have a criminal record, and if they are likely to commit further crimes or disobey court orders.

Do you need to surrender to a warrant or get someone out of jail in Central Indiana? Contact Woods Bail Bonds at 317-876-9600 for 24 hour bail bonds in Indianapolis, or anywhere in Central Indiana. We also offer prearranged bail bond service for arrest warrants.

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The Responsibilities of a Bail Bond Contract
How to Calculate the Total Cost of a Bail Bond in Indiana
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What to Do if Your Friend is Stuck in Jail in Indianapolis

As friends, we stick together. We support one another. We help out when we can. So, if your friend was arrested some time ago, and they are still sitting in Marion County Jail without a solution in sight, you likely feel the urge to do something about it. But hiring a bail bond company is serious business. You accept a lot of liability by posting another person’s bond in Indianapolis.

Before you move forward with any decisions, continue reading to learn what you need to know about taking on the responsibilities of a bail bond contract, plus who to trust for a speedy release from jail in Indianapolis.

Bail Friend Out of Jail Indianapolis IN 317-876-9600
Bail Friend Out of Jail Indianapolis IN 317-876-9600

Bail Bond Agreements

A bail bond agreement is a legally-binding contract. Once you sign it, there is no turning back. So, what kind of liability do you take on as a co-signer to a friend’s bail bond? Mostly financial. You see, by hiring a bail bondsman in Marion County, you are only paying a fraction of your friend’s bond amount. For example, if your friend’s bond is set at $5,000 and the bail agent charges a 10% rate, you only pay $500 (non-refundable) to get them out of jail.

But if your friend does not obey all terms and conditions of the bail bond agreement, such as staying in town, obeying the law, refraining from criminal activity, and showing up for all court hearings, you will be responsible for paying back the remaining $4,500. This is why you should only cosign for a bail bond for friend that you know very well and trust very deeply. If your friend is known to get in a lot of trouble or not learn from their mistakes, it is not recommended to bail them out of jail.

It is important to think about all of these factors ahead of time to protect yourself against taking on such devastating financial liability. So, here’s what to do if your friend is stuck in jail:

☑ Decide if they are trustworthy.
☑ Contact a Marion County bail bondsman.
☑ Meet at the office and complete all paperwork.
☑ Pay the non-refundable bail bond fee.
☑ Be sure your friend shows up for court!

Bail Bond Costs

The cost of bail bonds is regulated by the state. All bail bond companies are required to charge between 8 percent and 15 percent of the person’s total bond amount. Bail bond companies in Indianapolis accept most forms of payment, including collateral.

Are you looking for a seasoned bail bond company that can help you through this confusing and stressful time? Contact Woods Bail Bonds at 317-876-9600 for the fastest and friendliest bail bond services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Request a free estimate or information, anytime.

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FAQS About Affording Bail
Can I Go on Vacation While Out on Bond in Indiana?
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Indiana Bail Bonds 317-876-9600
Indiana Bail Bonds 317-876-9600

Standard Bail Bond Terms and Conditions in Indiana

When a person obtains a bail bond in Indiana, they are doing so under certain terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are mandatory, and if disobeyed, come with a long list of possible consequences. Continue reading to learn about the standard conditions of bail bonds, and how the bail bond process works.

Bail Bond Process

Marion County Bail Bonds 317-876-9600

Marion County Bail Bonds 317-876-9600

After a person is arrested, they are taken to the county jail and booked into the system. Depending on the nature of the crime and a few other factors (i.e. jail traffic, number of staff, behavior, etc.), booking can take anywhere from one hour to 24 hours or more. While an inmate is waiting to be booked into the jail’s database, the county prosecutor and/or magistrate is setting their bond. Once their bond is set and they are booked into the system, they can post their bond and get released from custody. If they choose to use a bail bond to get out of jail, they must sign a bail bond agreement. In this agreement, a number of terms and conditions are clearly laid out, and they are required by law.

Bail Bond Agreements

After signing the bail bond contract, you (or whoever signed for you) is legally responsible for the total bond amount if the terms and conditions are not met by the offender. And if the offender fails to meet the terms and conditions of the bail bond agreement, not only can they be re-arrested and face additional criminal charges separate from their original ones, they will also face a long set of penalties from the bail bond company. This includes paying the entire bond amount, forfeiting assets, fines, and more.

Standard Terms and Conditions Include:

The offender must appear for all scheduled court hearings.
The offender must obey all federal and state laws.
The offender cannot commit any other crimes.
The offender cannot leave the city or state.
The offender cannot have contact with other known criminals.
The offender cannot use drugs, alcohol, or prescription narcotic medication.
The offender may not possess weapons.
The offender must obtain and maintain employment.
The offender must follow a curfew.

Depending on your personal criminal history and several other factors, these terms and conditions can change, and include many more requirements. They also vary from company to company, and even from county to county. Talk to your bail bondsman about the terms and conditions of their specific bail bond agreement and county.

24 Hour Marion County Bail Bonds

Woods Bail Bonds

Woods Bail Bonds 317-876-9600

Call Woods Bail Bonds at 317-876-9600 to get out of Marion County Jail. Owner, James Woods, and his team of experienced bail bondsmen, are licensed and bonded to get you out of jail in over 30 Indiana counties. We are friendly and we work fast. Call 317-876-9600 to request a free estimate for Marion County bail bonds, anytime. Right now, rates are as low as 8% for those who qualify!

The Responsibilities of a Bail Bond Contract

The purpose of using a bail bondsman for a release from jail is to avoid two things: 1) paying the full bond amount, and 2) waiting in jail until the day of your initial court hearing. Bail bond services provide a safe and secure release from jail, but require a serious undertaking of responsibility for the co-signer. Regardless of what caused a person to be arrested, to get out of jail using bail bond services, one must sign a bail bond contract.

Continue reading to learn the details of a standard bail bond contract,
and the responsibilities that come with it.

Indiana Bail Bonds 317-876-9600
Indiana Bail Bonds 317-876-9600

Bail Bond Agreement

Also called a bail bond agreement, a bail bond contract legally binds an indemnitor (co-signer) to certain legal requirements. These requirements are mandatory, and if neglected, will lead to additional legal repercussions. Signing a bail bond contract means that you are accepting the terms and conditions of the agreement, which includes contractually agreeing to ensure the defendant appears for all scheduled court hearings, as well as, paying the bail bond premium. The bail bond premium is the non-refundable percentage of the full bail amount that a company charges for their services. Another requirement includes providing personal information on the defendant’s behalf, such as their home address and place of employment, and updating the bail bondsman on any changes as soon as they occur.

Breaching a Bail Bond Contract

If a person signs a bail bond contract, and the defendant fails to appear (FTA) for court or skips town, they are responsible for tracking down the defendant and ensuring they go to court, as well as, paying fines and any related fees for tracking down the defendant. This includes the full bond amount, but also, compensation for the bail bondsman in terms of long-distance calls, travel expenses, administrative time, attorney fees, additional court costs, and more. These fines and fees can add up to tens of thousands of dollars.

If you have co-signed for a bail bond, and you suspect that the person will not appear for court, contact your bail bondsman right away. Together you can make a plan so that you are not at risk of losing any collateral you put up, or any other consequences of violating the bail bond agreement.

Call Woods Bail Bonds of Indiana TODAY!

Call Woods Bail Bonds at 317-876-9600 to speak with an experienced Indianapolis bail bondsman for information about getting a loved one out of jail in Indiana. Owner, James Woods, offers bail bond services in most Indiana counties, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We also offer free jail pick up and drop off services to and from our office, free jail contact information, free estimates, and more. Call 317-876-9600 for 24 hour bail bonds in Indianapolis, IN today.

DUI Bail Bond Facts

Was a loved one arrested for a DUI? If so, you are probably wondering what to do, primarily in terms of obtaining them a release from jail as soon as possible. This is understandable since our friends and family are very important to us. And fortunately, there are plenty of bail options for those incarcerated for a drunk driving charge. The universal criminal process for arrests, booking, and bail bonds is generally the same across the board; however, for intoxication-related arrests, the facts are a bit different. Continue reading for facts about bail bonds and drunk driving arrests in Indiana.

DUI Bail Bonds Indianapolis 317-876-9600

DUI Bail Bonds Indianapolis 317-876-9600

Drunk Driving Charge

Usually when a person is arrested for a misdemeanor, they can get out of jail as soon as they are booked and processed into the jail’s database. Depending on the amount of traffic and efficiency of the jail staff, this process can take anywhere from one hour to a few hours. But for alcohol or intoxication-related arrests, the booking process won’t start when it is the offender’s turn in line. Instead, an intoxicated person must wait at least 8 hours, or until they are deemed sober, before they are eligible for processing. This is because, by law, a person must be entirely sober before they can be booked by jail staff. This ensures that they are completely aware of their criminal charges, court date, and responsibilities.

Getting Out of Jail

So if your friend or loved one was arrested for a drunk driving charge, public intoxication charge, or simple detained while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, be patient at first. You will not need to start the bail bond process until they are sober, which will be at least 8 hours. So once you are aware that your loved one has been arrested under the influence, set your clock for 7 hours, and then call a bail bondsman in the county of their arrest. You can post bail in Indiana 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and almost all bail bondsman operate within these same hours.

Obtaining a Bail Bond

An experienced bail bondsman will have long-standing, good relationships with the local jails and courthouses, giving them an advantage when filing paperwork to obtain a client’s release from jail. So be sure to choose an Indianapolis bail bond company that has several decades of experience. This ensures they are the real deal and can provide a safe and secure release from jail for your loved one.

Expect to sign a bail bond agreement that lawfully obligates you to cover the total bond amount if your loved one or friend fails to appear for any of their scheduled court hearings, or fails to complete their court-ordered sentencing. Keep in mind that this amount is usually set in the low to mid-thousands, and can sometimes be in the tens-of-thousands if they have multiple arrests and convictions on their criminal record. Also expect to pay a non-refundable fee, between 10 and 15 percent of the total bond amount, for their service. Woods Bail Bonds only charges 8% for bail bonds in Indiana!

Woods Bail Bonds

Bail Bonds Indianapolis Indiana

James Woods – Indianapolis Bail Bonds

Call Woods Bail Bonds at 317-876-9600 for DUI bail bonds in Indianapolis, IN. Our team of licensed, bonded, and insured bail bondsmen provide fast and friendly bail bond services in Indianapolis, but also throughout Northern, Central, and Southern Indiana! For more than 30 years, James Woods, owner and operator, has been a trusted name in the local bail bond industry, and is known for excellent customer support and dependable service. With office locations all over the state, we can be there for you in no time, any time! We offer 24 hour bail bonds, 7 days a week and 365 days a year! Call our headquarters at 317-876-9600 to learn about Indianapolis bail bonds and our service areas.